Yes, this is it. The answer for my question for all this time. Here is His lesson to me today.
Acts 17:11 They received the Word with all readiness, and searched the Scripture daily to find out whether these things were so.
In Acts 17:11, tell us that Bereans didn't simply believe what someone else telling them.
They also verified it on their own, on a daily basis. That's important for us to consider as well. Whether we receive our Bible teaching through church, Sunday school, radio or TV, we need to test what we hear against God's inspired Word.
We are "Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
If we do this we won't become prey to those who teach "a different gospel" and those who 'want to pervert the gospel of Christ. (Gal 1:6-7)
False teacher who comes as wolves in sheep's clothing. (Matt 7:15)
Trust but verify. Attending the Sunday mass at my hometown sometimes make me think and questioning myself. Is this true? Which one is right? Why does he say like that? I learn this different before?
All the answer for my question is The Holy Bible. Its in His Word. Just verify it.
Yes, God answered my question just right on the time. His Word teach us, fix us, remind us and keep us in the right track. To walk as His child is not an easy task to be done, but with His love all things will be just fine.
Good Night.
God loves you.
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